RAN away from the Subscriber, on the 12th instant, a Negro man named Robin or Bob he is about five feet six inches high, had on when he went away, a coarse shirt, and trowsers, a light coloured cloth waistcoat, felt hat, and old shoes, also a Negro Woman named Lydia or Lil, partly of the mulatto colour, about five feet high had on a blue and white striped short gown, a bluedruggit petticoat and black silk bonnet, she is thick and well set, they may possibly change their cloathes; they took with them a mulatto child, named Jane about four years old. Any person taking up and securing said Negroes and Child, so that the owner gets them again, shall have the above reward and all reasonable charges paid by, JAMES FRAZER
N.S. All masters of vessels and all others are hereby forbid to harbour, employ, carry off, or conceal, said negroes, as they will be prosecuted in the highest manner, the said James Frazer hath the Protection of Government for said negroes.
Currents of St Marys near Montreal, August 12th 1798.