Two years ago, I left Montreal’s north shore to settle on the Plateau Mont-Royal. At that time, I had no idea what this new neighborhood may bring, it was full of little restaurants, local stores, small delicatessens and green spaces. I immediately fell in love with my new city! While being a tenant of my flat near Laurier Avenue, I took over all the businesses around me. Those described in my below circuit remain my forever favorites. Definitely, picnicking is one of the most popular activities among locals. That is why I couldn't pass up the opportunity of adding a little visit to Laurier Park in my itinerary. Enjoy your walk! Lara, previous operation coordinator
The day begins from Laurier metro, at the Noble coffee shop. The "must visit" place of the summer, the Float is my suggestion to try on hot days! You will enjoy a cold brew coffee on soft vanilla ice cream to enjoy on your way while heading to my first suggestion.
till on Laurier street, I recommend you visit Pizzeria Stella and order a take-out pizza. Unhesitatingly, the Oriental pizza is my favorite, followed by La Coquine for its spicier side topped with Italian Pancetta. I invite you to check out their menu or simply let yourself tempted by their offer of the day. I can confirm, all their creations are simply delicious.
A short walk away from the restaurant, you will find Maître Corbeau cheese dairy. You can enjoy some local cheese for desert or pick a few for later. As per their employees advise, you can fill up your basket with some local cheese , good cold meats and smoked salmon. Do not forget the baguette and a jelly of roasted peppers!
Once the pizza and cheeses in hand, head to the Laurier Park and enjoy the atmosphere of the neighborhood. You can sit comfortably either at a table or on the floor under a tree to enjoy your picnic. You will hear people laughing, some music and birds singing. At all times, the Laurier Park displays this atmosphere of happiness where it is good to meet with your loved ones.
Continue this day by strolling through the green alleys of the neighbourhood. My favorites are a little further, about 10 minutes walk from the park. Continue on Laurier Street to Papineau Boulevard. Turn right and then left on Laurier Street Est. Turn left again on Cartier Street and you will find the entrance to the trail, immediately after the convenience store at the corner of this street. This alley is well hidden, but it is worth the detour!
At the end of this well-hidden way, turn right, cross Cartier street and you will have access to a second lovely alley called La Cachalot. You can either take your way back by following your steps, or by taking advantage of the pretty blooming streets of the Plateau! The way back to the hotel is quite pleasant in Bixi. Allow yourself around twenty minutes and you will be in the Old Montreal.