What is Lake Saint-Pierre?

Nature discovery

Discovered by Samuel De Champlain in 1603, Lake Saint-Pierre is a unique natural environment in Quebec. It is the last freshwater basin of the St. Lawrence River!

The vital functions of the St. Lawrence

Lake Saint-Pierre is a widening of the St. Lawrence River located in the fluvial section of the St. Lawrence River. Like the organs of the human body, this part ensures some of the vital functions of the St. Lawrence River. Let's discover them together!

The lungs of the St. Lawrence River

The shallow depth of Lake Saint-Pierre and the multitude of living organisms allow for reoxygenation of the water.

The kidneys of the St. Lawrence River

Lake Saint-Pierre is also considered the kidneys of the St. Lawrence, since it allows, thanks to the grass beds, to filter the water of the river which goes down from Montreal to Quebec..

A lake that stretches!

Lake Saint-Pierre is a river lake. In fact, its surface area is usually 500 square kilometers. During spring floods, Lake Saint-Pierre stretches out into the flood plains located along the lake. It can then reach an area of up to 600 square kilometers! The lake is listed as a RAMSAR site, which identifies wetlands of international importance!