RANAWAY from the Printing-Office in Quebec, on Tuesday last about five o'clock in the eve­ning, a Negro Lad namedJOE, born in Africa, about twenty-one years of age, about five feet and a half high, full round fac'd, a little marked with the small-pox, speaks English and French tole­ rably: he had on when he went away an old green fur cap, a dark ratteen Coat and double-breasted jacket of the same, with yellow gilt buttons to each, a pair of black Manchester velvet breeches, grey worsted stockings and a pair of indian Macassins. All persons are hereby forewamed from harbouring or aiding him to escape, as they may depend on being prosecuted to the utmost rigour of the Law, and whoever will give information where he is harboured, or bring him back, shall have FOUR DOLLARS Reward from THE PRINTER