FROM the Subscriber, on Sunday moming the 24th ult. about four o'Clock, a Negro Lad named NEMO, born in Albany, near eighteen years of age, about five feet high, full round fac'd, a little mark'd with the Small pox, speaks English and French tolerably; he had on when he went away a double breasted Jacket of strip'd flannel, old worsted Stockings, and a pair ofEnglish Shoes. Also a Negro Wench named CASH, twenty-six years old, about 5 feet 8 inches high, speaks English and French very fluently; she carried with her a considerable quantity ofLinen and other valuable Effects not her own; and as she has also taken with her a large bundle of wearing apparel belon ging to herself, consisting of a black sattin Cloak, Caps, Bonnets, Ruffles, Ribbons, six or seven Petticoats, a pair of old Stays, and many other articles of value which cannot be ascertained, it is likely she may change her dress. All persons are hereby forewamed from harbouring or aiding them to escape, and Masters of vessels from carrying them off, as they may depend on being pro secuted to the utmost rigour of the Law; and whoever will give information where they are har boured, or bring them back to the Subscriber at Quebec, or to Mr. GEORGE ROSS, Merchant at Sorel, shall have TEN DOLLARS Reward for each, and all reasonable charges.
N.B. The Lad was seen at Sorel on Friday morning the 29th ult. and there is reason to believe they are both lurking thereabout.